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Massena Central School District

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Indigenous Education Program


Our Indigenous Education program provides services and support for Indigenous students and families in Massena Central Schools. We work to improve and support Indigenous student achievement and graduation rates through academically rigorous and culturally responsive instruction, collaborative partnerships, and family and student engagement. 
Classroom Support
  • Culturally relevant books for all of our school media centers, supporting and validating Native heritage
  • Professional development opportunities for MCS staff, to build cultural competency and knowledge of Native culture
Family Support
  • Annual cultural family events
  • Free school supplies for K-12 indigenous families to support learning and education
  • Culturally relevant books for Native students, supporting and validating their heritage
  • Support from the Indigenous Education Coordinator during meetings with school administration
Student Support
  • Students are connected with services to support their school and personal success
  • Clubs and affinity groups are available for Native students to join
  • Special college tours and visits for Native students
  • Graduation stoles for Native graduates

2024-25 Program Goals 

Student Academic Goals
  • The Indigenous Education Coordinator will collaborate with elementary and secondary administration to ensure the curriculum provided to schools is meeting the needs, interests and cultural heritage of Native American students.  
  • The Indigenous Education Coordinator will attend professional development opportunities and encourage relevant district-level staff to attend professional development opportunities pertaining to Indigenous Education.
  • Native American students will see themselves represented in the school curriculum, media and family cultural events offered by MCS Indigenous Education in order to positively reinforce the self-image of Native American students.
  • 50% of Native American students will attend at least one MCS Indigenous Education cultural family event. 
  • Native American students will receive the same opportunities and experiences that are offered to all MCS students by removing any cost-related barriers that may prevent families from otherwise participating. 

Resources for Native American Families

506 Form Information
The 506 form is used to apply and qualify for the formula grant under the Office of Indian Education.
Massena Central School District's American Indian Education Program can use the funds from
Title VI for supplies, books, college visits, and cultural events.
Who is eligible to turn in a 506 form? If a student OR a student's parent OR a student’s grandparent is an
enrolled member of an American Indian Tribe/Nation a 506 form can be filled out.

New York State My Brother's Keeper Challenge 

The Massena Central School District, and the representatives of the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe are proud to officially accept the New York State My Brother's Keeper (NYSMBK) Challenge. This initiative aligns deeply with our shared commitment to fostering the educational success of all students, particularly young men, within our community. 

Additional Programs and Contact Information

The MCSD is fortunate to have many programs serving students. Some of these programs are housed right here in the school on a full time or part-time basis, others are available to come to the school on an as-needed basis.
Agency Phone Number Link to website
Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club
518-358-9911 Akwesasne Boys & Girls Club
Title VI Program Coordinator 
315-764-3700 Title VI
Massena Athletic Dept.
315-7643700 MCSD Athletics
Police Activities League of Massena 
Massena Director of Curriculum 315-764-3700
Massena Director of Special Education 315-764-3700
MCS Community Schools Coordinator 315-296-0240
SRMT – Adult/Child Protection 518-358-9659 SMRT Adult Protection
SRMT – Intensive Preventive IPP-DSS 
518-358-3416 SMRT IPP
SRMT – College & Career Services Manager
518-358-4516 SMRT College & Career
SRMT Education Division
518-358-2272 SMRT Education
SRMT Mental Health
518-358-3141 SMRT Mental Health
Massena High School:
Robin Logan, Title VI Native American Supported Study, Culture & History Teacher
Ryan Ransom, Mohawk Language Specialist, NCSTEP Assistant Director, MBK Coordinator
Tyler Sunday, Education Specialist, Academic Assistance
Kaiahtenhtas Thompson, Mohawk Language Teacher
J.W. Leary Jr. High:
Raymond Rourke, SRMT Youth Service Provider
Jefferson Elementary:
Shelby Bero, Literacy Teacher, Elementary Mohawk Club Advisor
McKenzee Lazore, Indigenous Education Assistant, [email protected]