Massena Central Community Schools. Our Kids. Our School. Our Community.
Holiday Snack Drive

Massena Central is a Community School, what does this mean?
Building a strong partnership between the school district and the surrounding community.
This includes working with community partners such as law enforcement, local firefighters, not for profits,
faith-based organizations, and colleges. Through this network, there are accessible resources for students
and families in need of basic necessities such as clothing, shelter, or food. As a result, this relationship
helps to promote the local organization when they meet a student or family’s need.

What are Parent Cafes?
The Parent Cafes are part of our community schools and are designed to help improve family and
community engagement with the district. The goal is to make connections with families, engage in
dialogue about the school and determine topics of interest for future Parent Café events. Schools are
most successful, and our students learn best when there is a positive partnership between parents and
schools. This initiative seeks to enhance this relationship.

Mindfulness Program at MCSD
In the 2022-2023 school year, MCSD launched a new Mindfulness program. Mindfulness means maintaining
a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding
environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. It has a variety of research-backed impacts,
including reduction in stress, and improvements in job satisfaction, emotional regulation, and focus.

What is Mindfulness in Schools?
In the Mindful Schools community – educators, parents, and school community members – many of us are exploring mindfulness because we’re excited to share mindfulness with our students who are facing an increasingly complex and technology-based world. Research shows that in addition to benefits for adults, youth benefit from learning mindfulness in terms of improved cognitive outcomes, social-emotional skills, and well-being.
Watch video about MCSD Mindfulness Program!
Kristin Colarusso-Martin, Community School Director
P (315) 764-3710 ext. 3621
Emily Kimble,
Community Schools Coordinator
P (315) 764-3700 ext. 3166
C (315) 296-0240
Community Schools Resources
Massena Central Community Schools News Articles
MCSD Community Schools Newsletters
Welcome Message to Parents from Superintendent Brady