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District-wide Safety Plan

The District Safety Plan is provided to public inspection and review prior to Board of Education approval on August 17, 2023.  Please provide comments/suggestions to the District Safety Committee by corresponding to Alan Oliver [email protected] Thank you.


Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious 
and effective manner. The Massena Central School District has developed this District-Wide school safety plan 
designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the 
coordination of the District with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies.
The District-Wide school safety plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is 
consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts are at 
risk of a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and technological disasters. To address these threats, the State 
of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law.
This component of Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses risk reduction/prevention, 
response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in the school district and its schools.
The Massena Central School District supports the SAVE Legislation and has facilitated the planning process. 
The Superintendent of Schools encourages and advocates on-going District-Wide cooperation and support of 
Project SAVE.

Section I 
General Considerations and Planning Guidelines
The Massena Central School District School-Wide Safety Plan was developed pursuant to 
Education Law 2801-a and Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Massena 
Central School District Board of Education, the School Superintendent appointed a District-Wide 
Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-Wide School 
Safety Plan. The District-Wide Safety Plan is a comprehensive, multi-hazard safety plan that covers 
all school buildings of the Massena Central School District, to address crisis intervention, 
emergency response and management at the district level. At its core, the purpose of this plan is to:
● Prevent or minimize the effects of violent incidents and emergencies
● Facilitate the coordination of schools and school districts with local and county resources 
in the event of such incidents or emergencies.

Identification of School Teams
District Chief Emergency Officer
The Superintendent of Schools is designated the chief emergency officer who is responsible for 
coordinating communication between staff and law enforcement and first responders and for 
ensuring staff understanding of the district-level safety plan. The chief emergency officer shall also 
be responsible for ensuring completion and yearly update of building-level emergency response 
plans. The building-level emergency response plan shall be kept confidential and shall not be 
disclosed except to authorized department staff and law enforcement officers. 


Mr. Ronald P. Burke - Superintendent of School

District-Wide School Safety Team
The Massena Central School District has established a District-Wide School Safety Team. This 
team develops and maintains the District-Wide Safety Plan, meets periodically to review issues 
pertaining to District-Wide safety; meets in the event of an emergency to implement the DistrictWide Safety Plan; and meets after an incident to evaluate the implementation of the plan. 
Committee members will be notified and their roles defined at the beginning of each school year. 

Membership of the District-Wide Safety team will change from school year to school year and will 
include representatives of teachers, administrators, parents, other school personnel, students, local 
law enforcement officials, and local emergency response agencies. The members for the current 
school year are listed below. 
● Ronald Burke Superintendent of School
● Alan Oliver District Safety Team Chair/High School Principal
● William Lint Jefferson Elementary Principal
● Darrin Jock Director of Transportation
● Nicole Terminelli Madison Elementary Principal
● Amy Hornung Nightengale Elementary Principal
● Kendra Quinlan J.W.Leary Junior High Principal
● Richard Norris Junior High Dean of Student
● R. Shane Halladay High School Assistant Principal
● Mike Allen Director of Technology
● Robert LeBlanc School Board Member
● Mike Macaulay NYS Police, Massena Volunteer Fire Dept., Parent
● Danielle Brown High School Counselor
● Aaron Hardy Massena Volunteer Fire Dept.
● Kathleen Beard Head Nurse

Building Safety Team
In addition to the District-Wide Safety Team, each school building, Jefferson Elementary, Madison 
Elementary, Nightingale Elementary, J.W. Leary Junior High, and Massena High each have 
established a Building-Level Safety Team. These teams meet periodically throughout the school 
year and operate in conjunction with the District Safety Committee. 
● High School Building Safety Team
● J.W. Leary Junior High Safety Team
● Jefferson Elementary Safety Team
● Madison Elementary Safety Team
● Nightengale Elementary Safety Team

District Threat Assessment Team
The Threat Assessment team systematically utilizes a fact-based method of investigation and 
examination that blends the collection and analysis of multiple sources of information with 
published research and practitioner experience, focusing on an individual’s patterns of 
thinking and behavior to determine whether. and to what extent, a person of concern is 
moving toward an attack.
Threat Assessment Team Members:
● Alan Oliver, Chair/ Principal
● Richard Norris, Dean Of Students
● Mike Allen, Director of Technology
● Danielle Brown, School Counselor
● Chief Jason Olson, Massena Police Department
● Ad Hoc membership from the site of the heat

District Administration Team
Central Administration
Ronald Burke, Superintendent of Schools
Nicole Charleson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Megan Castell, Director of Special Education
Greg Tessier, Director of Operations
Mike Allen, Director of Technology
Darrin Jock, Director of Transportation
Gavin Regan, Athletic Director
Nick Brouillette, Business Manager
Kristin Colarusso-Martin, Director of Food Service
High School
Alan Oliver, Principal
Shane Halladay, Assistant Principal
Junior High School
Kendra Quinlan, Principal
Rick Norris, Dean of Students
Keri Zaza, Counselor
Jefferson Elementary
William Lint, Principal
Jordan Helmer, Counselor
Madison Elementary
Nicole Terminelli, Principal
Tammy Burke, Counselor
Nightengale Elementary
Amy Hornung, Principal
Christine Winston, Counselor
2023-2024 Board of Education
Mr. Paul Haggett, President
Mr. Kevin Perretta, Vice President 

Ms. Joyce Giroux

Ms. Jodele Hammock

Ms. Susan Lambert
Mr. Robert LeBlanc

Mr. Zachary Monroe

Ms. Patricia Murphy

Mr. Daniel Tusa
Ms. Elyse Hoxie, Student Ex-Officio

Concept of Operations
● The District-Wide School Safety Plan is directly linked to the individual Building-level Emergency 
Response Plans for each school building. Protocols reflected in the District-Wide School Safety Plan 
have guided the development and implementation of the individual Building-Level Emergency 
Response Plans. The activation of the Building-level Emergency Response Plan triggers the 
notification of the chain of command and the assessment of the activation of the District-Wide 
Emergency School Safety Plan and District-Wide Response Team.
● The District-Wide Plan was developed through extensive analysis of the local environment, 
emergency potential, and available resources. Through training and workshops that included school 
employees, administration, and local emergency services, the plan has been developed to address the 
specific needs of the Massena Central School District and the community.
● In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies at an 
individual school will be by the School Emergency Response Team. The Building Principal is 
responsible for notifying the Superintendent or the highest-ranking person in the chain of command 
of any necessary Building-level plan activation. This notification shall be accomplished through the 
use of a telephone or the district’s radio network.
● Upon the activation of the School Emergency Response Team, the Superintendent or their designee 
shall be notified and, where appropriate, local emergency officials shall also be notified.
● County and state resources supplement the school districts emergency action planning in a number of 
○ State and local law enforcement provide building reviews and employee training.
○ Local law enforcement and emergency services participate in planning and training 
exercises and develop strategies for managing building-level emergencies.
○ A protocol exists for the school district to use designated facilities for sheltering during 
times of emergencies.
○ A protocol exists for the use of county mental health resources during post-incident 
○ Efforts may be supplemented by County and State resources through existing protocols.

Plan Review and Public Comment 
● This plan is reviewed and maintained by the District Safety Team and reviewed on an annual basis 
on or before July 1 of each year.
● District-Wide school safety plans and building-level emergency response plans must be adopted or 
amended by September 1st of each school year. The Building-Level Emergency Response Plan is 
secure and must be submitted to the New York State Police and local law enforcement within 30 
days of adoption, but no later than October 15. The District-Wide school safety plan must be posted 
on the district website and must not contain confidential information.
❖ In conducting the review, the teams shall consider any changes in organization, local 
conditions and other factors including an evaluation of the results of the annual test of the 
emergency response procedures which may necessitate updating of plans. If the plan 
requires no changes, then it shall remain in effect. If the District-Wide Safety Plan requires 
change, then the updated plan shall be submitted to the Board of Education in time to all for 
the 30-days of public comment and to hold a public hearing which provides for the 
participation of school personnel, students, and other interested parties prior to Board 
6 adoption. All plans must be adopted by the Board of Education by September 1st. 
❖ The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for posting the District-Wide School 
Safety Plan on the district’s website. Each Building Principal shall be responsible for filing 
selected information from the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan through the New 
York State Education Department Business Portal within 30 days after their adoption, but 
no later than October 15th of each year. Critical information, including phone numbers and 
building maps, is then shared with all law enforcement agencies through this portal. 
❖ While linked to the District-Wide School Safety Plan, the Building-level Emergency Response 
Plans are confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers 
Law or any other provision of law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a. 
NOTE: Building-level Emergency Response Plans are supplied to both local and State Police within 30 
days of adoption. 

Board of Education (BOE) Policies that Support School Safety
● Safety and Security Policy, #5680 
● Code of Conduct, #3410, 7310 
● Student Conduct and Discipline, #3410, 7310 
● Emergency Management Plan, #5681 
● Firearms in Schools/Gun Free Schools, #3411, 7360, 7361

● Project SAVE, #5685
● Internet Content Filtering/Safety, #7370, 8271 
● Security/Safety, #5680, 5681 
● AED’s in Public School Facilities, #5683


Approach to preparedness around five mission areas:

Prevention, Mitigation, Protection, Response, and Recovery

• Prevention means the capabilities necessary to avoid, deter, or stop an imminent crime or threatened 
or actual mass casualty incident.
• Mitigation means the capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property 
damage by lessening the impact of an event or emergency.
• Protection means the capabilities to secure schools against acts of violence and manmade or natural 
• Response means the capabilities necessary to stabilize an emergency once it has already happened or 
is certain
to happen in an unpreventable way.
• Recovery means the capabilities necessary to assist schools affected by an event or emergency in 
restoring the learning environment.
These mission areas generally align with the three time frames associated with an incident: before, 
during, and after.
When planning, we use the paradigm before, during and after and consider actions we can take to help 
build capacity in each of the five mission areas. For example, we need to be ready to respond and 
recover throughout all five mission areas


Section II: 
General Emergency Mitigation, Prevention and Response Planning
The District emergency preparedness includes mitigation and prevention to decrease the likelihood of 
an emergency and to reduce losses or damage should one occur. Mitigation involves the identification of 
risks and vulnerabilities, an assessment of resources and facilities, identification of stakeholders 
including knowledgeable and collaborative emergency responders and mental health resources, and the 
communication process. Preparedness includes ensuring policies and protocols are in place as well as 
the readiness and knowledge to respond. This involves clarifying team member roles, having the 
incident command system (ICS) in place, continuous training on ICS and the plan procedures, and 
conducting exercises and drills. 
Response occurs when the plan is activated and involves the action to contain and resolve a crisis. The 
ICS plan in place is activated as needed to promote effective decision-making. Consistent 
communication is maintained with staff, students, family and media, actions are documented and afteraction briefings are conducted. Development of the plan has included involvement of the local police, 
fire and rescue squad personnel. The District emergency response plan and the building plans linked to 
this plan use the incident command system. Staff has been identified at each building to assume roles in 
the incident command structure in the event of an emergency. Assignments, roles and procedures are 
adjusted on the basis of the exercises. The plan is further adjusted annually using exercises to test 
potential for emergency response. District and building plans include: 

The Massena Central School District does everything it can to ensure our students, staff members and 
the general public are safe when on school grounds. The district uses a variety of strategies to achieve 
this goal:

Conduct 12 safety drills annually, including evacuation and lockdown drills.
● Video cameras are used on school grounds, in school buildings and buses to monitor activity.
● After buses unload in the morning, school buildings are locked and monitored by a staff member.
● Staff members have been provided with electronic access cards. 
● Visitors to the school through secure vestibules at each school.
● Faculty, support staff, substitutes, volunteers, and interns are issued ID badges that are to be 
worn at all times.
● The district partners with local law enforcement agencies. The Massena Police Department and 
the New York State Police, whose barracks are centrally located to all school campuses, 
regularly visit and partner with schools.
● The district conducts safety reviews annually to evaluate district and building-level safety plans 
in accordance with the New York State Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (S.A.V.E.) 
● Administrators, faculty and staff regularly participate in training activities such as tabletop 
exercises and workshops to discuss and practice safety plans.

Capital projects have and continue to improve safety and security in Massena central schools.
● Other safety precautions such as the use of restorative practices, character education programs, 
and mental health-related curriculum serve as preventative measures.

Prevention/Intervention Strategies
The Massena Central School District continues to investigate and develop various strategies 
regarding violence prevention and intervention. These strategies include, but are not limited to: 
● The Positivity Project - a Character Education Program.
● Advisory - J.W. Leary Junior High School-Adult to Student Purpose of fostering 
relationships with caring adults. Students identify at least one adult in the building as 
a contact of go-to. Students report to their faculty advisor 15 minutes at the 
beginning of each day.

All-Student Google Classroom - J.W. Leary Junior High School will provide an 
open line, two-way communication with students. Students are able to report 
incidents of drug, harassment etc. 
● WEB Crew Program - J.W. Leary Junior High School Peer to Peer
■ Where Everybody Belongs-An organization whose sole purpose is to help 
children feel more comfortable as well as help them achieve success in their 
first year of Junior High. The WEB Crew orientation and transition program 
is designed to both welcome and support our students by assigning them an 
eighth grade WEB Leader as a mentor during this first year. This WEB 
Leader is a responsible older student who was hand selected from the student 
population and has met the qualifications of being a good role model and a 
positive leader on campus. 

● Link Crew - Similar to the Junior High WEB program, this High School structured 
peer-mentoring program assists students during their freshman year as they 
transition to the high school environment. Students are assigned an upperclassmen 
(Junior or Senior) to complete freshman orientation. This student continues to serve 
as a liaison/contact throughout their first year at the high school.
● Freshman Orientation - One-day event for freshman students to tour the high school, 
receive their class schedule, locate their various classrooms, locate their lockers, and 
develop team-building skills.
● Learn to Lead - High School-Peer to Peer-An upperclassman is assigned as a mentor 
to an “At-Risk” student. Students identified as having potential obstacles to their 
● Diversity Club - High School-Established club to support any type of diversity
● Restorative Justice Practices - High School-Different way of looking at discipline 
consequences besides the traditional detention/suspensions. Encourage collaboration 

and reintegration rather than coercion and isolation; Give attention to the unintended 
consequences of our actions and programs; Show respect to all parties, including 
victims, offenders 
● Threat Assessment Team - This protocol is to be followed whenever there is a 
serious threat to the District, its events or any of its buildings. 
● Handle with Care Program - Entails structured communication channels with local 
law enforcement. 

● Digital Citizenship- Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, Massena 
Elementary Schools began implementing the Digital Citizenship Curriculum through 
Common Sense Media. The Library Media Specialists have developed a common 
Standard Digital Citizenship Curriculum based on three grade bands (K-2), (3-4), 
and (5-6). The Digital Citizenship curriculum scope and sequence continues 
throughout the junior high school and high school.
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement of Homeland Security and Massena Police Department 
present yearly to students on Internet Safety and Cyberbullying.


Training, Drills and Exercises
● Each school building will be required to conduct:
■ Twelve (12) drills each school year
● Four of which must be lock-down drills
● The remaining eight are required to be evacuation drills. 
● The date to complete the first eight drills is December 31.
● Exits will be regularly blocked to test secondary evacuation routes 
during evacuation drills. 
● Each school building will be required to conduct a tabletop drill annually by the District 
Safety Committee and/or Administrative Team.
● Each building will conduct an evacuation drill to an alternate site on a three-year rotation.
● Interior and exterior video surveillance cameras have been installed at all locations in the 
District. If a threat is determined via this means, protective actions such as lockdown, 
evacuation, or sheltering of the school population may be initiated. 
● In all buildings, all exterior doors are locked once the school day has begun. Staff members 
have been provided with electronic access cards. Visitors to the school buildings must be 
allowed entrance by main office personnel.
● All visitors to the school building are required to sign in the main office. Visitors must 
wear a visible visitor’s badge. 
● All school staff have been issued a photo identification card that is to be worn at all 
● All exterior doors and windows have been numbered on the outside and inside 
to facilitate communication with first responders. 
● Enlarged building floor plans have been laminated and provided to local law enforcement. 
● Lock boxes have been installed in multiple locations at each school building to allow law 
enforcement agencies to obtain swipe cards and master keys in the event of an emergency.

School Safety Representative 
The building principal and their designee(s) shall serve as the School Safety Representative for the 
school building. The responsibilities of the School Safety Representative are as follows:
● Monitor hallways, entrance ways, exits and outside grounds during school 
hours for unusual occurrences or unauthorized visitors.
● Act as building liaison in communicating building level safety issues or 
● Represent the building on the District-Wide Safety Committee.
● Serve on the building level School Building Response Team.
● Attend school safety meetings and be a resource on school safety and security 
issues for building employees.
● Develop plans and strategies for building security, crime and violence 
prevention, safety planning and employee training.
● Participate in school incident investigations.
● Respond to all school emergencies as part of the building’s Emergency 
Response Plan.
● Coordinate annual school safety multi-hazard training for students and 
employees. Multi-hazard training shall include crisis intervention, emergency 
response and management.
● Employees and students shall receive annual training and drill practice on 
protocols for bomb threats, evacuation, sheltering, lock-down, fire emergency, 

bus drills and appropriate violence prevention strategies.
● Designate procedure for informing substitute teaching and non-teaching 
employees of school safety protocols.
● Comply and encourage compliance with all school safety and security policies 
and procedures established by the Board of Education.
● Attend professional development activities on school safety and violence 

Hazard Identification 
Once every three years a building safety audit will be conducted. Once the audit is complete 
and appropriate photographs have been taken, the Building-Level Safety Team will review 
the results and develop a plan for addressing deficiencies. A memo to the Supervisor of 
Building and Grounds will be drafted to include any maintenance issues that should be 
addressed as a result of the audit. 
● Once a year, the Superintendent of Schools will conduct building tours. The Building 
Principals, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, day custodians and maintenance 
workers will participate in the tour. Safety issues will be noted and addressed. 
● Custodial staff carries two-way radios; staff who take students outside the building for 
recess or physical education classes will carry two-way radios as well. All classrooms are 
equipped with telephones and public address systems. Any school personnel who identifies 
a potential threat can initiate an emergency response by notifying the main office of the 
threat or can announce a Lockdown immediately via the public address system. This can be 
activated from any phone in the district. 
● Carbon monoxide detectors have been installed in appropriate locations throughout the school buildings.


Section III:
Notification and activation (internal and externa l communications)
In cases of a serious violent incident the district would use the procedure listed below to meet the 
requirements for notification and activation. A serious violent incident is an incident of violent criminal 
conduct that is or appears to be, life threatening and warrants the evacuation of students and employees 
because of an imminent threat to their safety or health, including but not limited to; the use or threatened 
use of a firearm, explosive, bomb, incendiary device, chemical, or biological weapon, knife or other 
dangerous instrument capable of causing death or serious injury; riot; hostage-taking or kidnapping. 

Internal Communications:
● Teachers and building employees – PA system-email-runner
● Students – PA system and verbally by supervising teachers
● Superintendent of Schools – Phone by principal’s secretary
● Buildings and Grounds – Phone or radio by principal’s secretary
● Board of Education – Phone or email
External Communications:
Information will be provided to parents, guardians or persons in parental relation to the students in the 
event of a violent incident or an early dismissal through the use of telephone by employees at the 
building level using the Student Information System (SchoolTool), school messenger, social media, the 
school website, and/or local and regional radio and TV stations. These are the same stations that are 
used to announce official school delays or closings. This information is provided to parents through the 
School District website and building handbooks.


Situational ResponsesMulti -hazard response and response protocols
Each Massena Central School District building maintains a building-level emergency response plan
with specific protocols and annexes that direct the Building Response Team in the event of a threat or 
hazard. The building-level emergency response plan shall be kept confidential and shall not be 
disclosed except to authorized department staff and law enforcement officers.

Building -Level Emergency Plan 
● Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities
● Shelter-in-Place
● Hold-in-Place
● Evacuation
● Lockout
● Lockdown
● Crime Scene Management
● Communications
● Medical and Mental Health Emergencies
● Accounting for All Persons
● Reunification
● Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP)
● Intruder, Active Shooter, Active Violent Actions Threat
● Bomb Threat
● Fire Emergencies (Fire Alarm (actual or false), Fire, Smoke Condition, or Fire Drill)

Chain of Decision Making Command
Incident Command – Personnel
Command Staff
● Superintendent of Schools
● Chair of District Safety Committee
● Business Manager
● Director of Facilities 
● Director of Transportation
When the District command staff has been notified that an emergency exists, they will activate the Plan 
and direct the operation from the Command Post.
The command staff will take FULL CONTROL in the event of an emergency and will direct the 
appropriate personnel to implement the emergency response. They will be in continual communication 
with the Superintendent to update the situation of the emergency.
The command staff will meet with local government and emergency service organization officials for 
advice and assistance in emergency situations that exceed the expertise and/or resources of the District. 
They will be prepared to turn over control to these outside agencies.
The command staff will oversee and assure that there is an annual performance testing of the Emergency 
Management Plan.

Public Information Officer
Community Relations Coordinator
In the event of a disaster, the Superintendent and those so designated by the Superintendent will be the 
only individuals authorized to communicate with the media. Where appropriate, parents and guardians 
will be notified via the media of any situation that requires a school building to be evacuated or 
otherwise closed. A Public Information Officer shall be designated by the Superintendent to provide 
assistance in compiling information about the disaster for release to the media.


Chain of Command Consistent with the National Incident Command System
Command staff shall establish a Command Post for each incident. The District shall work with other 
agencies to establish a Mobile Command Center.

Incident Commander
● Primary: Ronald Burke, Superintendent, (315) 764-3700 x3999
● Alternate: Nick Brouillette, Business Manager, 764-3700 x3006

Safety Officer
● Primary: Alan Oliver, High School Principal, (315) 764-3700 x3100
● Alternate: William Lint, Jefferson Elementary Principal (315) 764-3700 x3300

Liaison Officer
● Primary, Ronald Burke, Superintendent, (315) 764-3700 x3999
● Alternate, Ashley Snyder, Superintendent Secretary, (315) 764-3700 x3008

Public Information Officer
● Primary: Ashley Snyder, Superintendent Secretary, (315) 764-3700 x3008
● Alternate: Ronald Burke, Superintendent, (315) 764-3700 x3999

Planning Officer
● Primary: Ronald Burke, Superintendent, (315) 764-3700 x3999
● Alternate: Ashley Snyder, Superintendent Secretary, (315) 764-3700 x3008

Operations Officer
● Primary: Greg Tessier, Director of Facilities, (315) 764-3700 x3018
● Alternate: William Lint, Jefferson Elementary Principal (315) 764-3700 x3300

Logistics Officer
● Primary: Darrin Jock, Director of Transportation, (315) 764-3700 x3021
● Alternate: Alan Oliver, High School Principal, (315) 764-3700 x3100

Finance and Admin Officer
● Primary: Nick Brouillette, Business Manager, (315) 764-3700 x3006
● Alternate: Mallory Olson, District Treasurer, (315) 764-3700 x3012

District Command Post

During an emergency, the District will maintain a Command Post. If possible, this post will be at the site 
of the incident or if necessary at the District Office. The Command Post should have available, complete 
and up-to-date maps of all District facilities.

Building Command Post
Each building will designate a safe area (min. 300 feet) in each building as a Command Post.
Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government
The School’s Administration shall use the following protocol for obtaining advice and assistance from 
local government officials including the county, village, or town.

● Superintendent/Designee in an emergency contacts dispatch point or 911 center for fire or EMS 
● Superintendent/Designee contacts the highest-ranking local government official for notification 
and/or assistance.
● Superintendent/Designee in an emergency will contact emergency management coordinator and/or 
the highest-ranking local government official for obtaining advice and assistance.


St. Lawrence County Department of Emergency Services
The St. Lawrence County Office of Emergency Services, and its four Bureaus, is dedicated to providing 
for all residents and visitors within St. Lawrence County.
St. Lawrence County Emergency Service
St. Law. County 48 Court Street, Canton, New York
Matthew Denner Director/Fire Coordinator
Jonathan Mitchell Deputy Director/EMS Coordinator
Tammy LaBrake Administrative Assistant
Village of Massena 60 Main St., Town Hall 315-769-862
Timothy J. Ahlfeld, Mayor 315-769-8625 (Office)
Matthew J. LeBire, Deputy Mayor / Trustee 315- 769-3781 (Home)
Greg Paquin, Trustee 315-769-8625 (Office)
Christine M. Winston Trustee 315-854-4350 (Mobile)
Francis J. Carvel, Trustee 315-769-8615 (Home)
Town of Massena 60 Main St., Town Hall 315-769-3588
Steven O'Shaughnessy, 
Town Supervisor (315) 769-3588 ext 1 (315) 842-1180
Sue Bellor (315) 769-7128 (315) 769-6146 
Sam Carbone (315) 769-0054
Bob Elsner (315) 705-5780
Albert Nicola (315) 764-0431

The district shall use the following procedure to coordinate the use of school district resources and 
manpower during emergencies:
● The Building Principal of the affected facility shall contact the Superintendent or the DistrictWide Safety Team and request the necessary manpower or resources.
● The Superintendent or the highest-ranking person in the chain of command shall assess the 
request and allocate personnel and resources as necessary.
The Massena Central School District shall follow the following protocols in assessing the appropriate 
protective action option. The decision to cancel school, to dismiss early, shelter in place or evacuate 
shall be made in cooperation with state and local emergency responders as appropriate.


SUPERINTENDENT’S CALL LIST-Communication 2022-23



2. TV Stations
a. Spectrum News Online:
c. WWTI CHANNEL 50: 1-888-577-6956 / 785-8850

1. MARIANNE JADLOS – TRINITY: School = 315-769-5911
2. JESSICA BERKMAN- 315-386-4504 X15108 (Capital Region BOCES)
3. WMSA.................769-3333 or 769-1340
4. WPDM.................265-5510 
5. WDTimes Website ………… 661-2396/Email: [email protected] (preferred)
6. WSLU..............................229-5356/Email: [email protected] (preferred)
7. WWNY .....779-0776 (Automated) 788-3800(1) (Newsroom) Les Shockley Or by secure 
*All callers: Please note the following information.
For two-hour delay, no breakfasts served, no AM PreK, no morning latchkey.

School cancellation
● Monitor any situation that may warrant a school cancellation – Superintendent/ District Team.
● Make determination – Superintendent.
● Contact local media.
● Contact Parents directly via. School Messenger

School delay
● Monitor any situation that may warrant school delay – Building Administrators/ 
Superintendent/District Team.
● If conditions warrant, delay opening of school.
● Contact the Director of Transportation to coordinate transportation issues.
● Contact local media to inform parents of the delayed opening.
● Set up an information center so that parents may make inquiries as to the situation.
● Provide for safety and security of employees and students who do come to school.
● Early dismissal
○ Monitor situation – Superintendent/District Team.
○ If conditions warrant, close school – Superintendent.
○ Contact the Director of Transportation to arrange transportation.
○ Contact local media to inform parents of early dismissal.
○ Set up an information center so that parents may make inquiries as to the situation.
○ Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home.

● Determine the level of threat – Superintendent.
● Contact Transportation Supervisor to arrange transportation – Superintendent or Designee.
● Clear all evacuation routes and sites prior to evacuation.
● Evacuate all employees and students to pre-arranged evacuation sites.
● Account for all student and employee population. Report any missing employees or students to 
the Building Principal.
● Make determination regarding early dismissal – Superintendent or Designee.
● If determination was made to dismiss early, contact local media to inform parents of early 
● Ensure adult supervision or continued school supervision/security.
● Set up an information center so that parents may make inquiries as to the situation.
● Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home.
Sheltering sites (internal and external)
● Determine the level of threat – Superintendent/Incident Commander/Designee.
● Determine location of sheltering depending on the nature of the incident.
● Account for all students and employees. Report any missing employees or students to the 
● Determine other occupants in the building.
● Make appropriate arrangements for human needs.
● Take appropriate safety precautions.
● Establish a public information officer to provide information and current status of the situation to 
parents and other inquiring parties.
● Retain appropriate district personnel until all students have been returned home.

Potential Evacuation Sites Off Campus
● District Bus Garage
● Salvation Army
● PALS ClubHouse
● Massena Arena
● Methodist Church
● Massena Community Center
● St. Lawrence Center Mall

National Incident Management Systems (NIMS)-Incident Command System (ICS)
NIMS defines operational systems that guide how personnel work together during incidents.
● The Massena Central School District has adopted and implemented the National Incident 

Management System (NIMS) in close coordination with members of the local and county 
emergency response communities. Further, the district has adopted, as required, the 
Incident Command System (ICS) for managing all emergency incidents and pre-planned 
school and campus events, and incorporates NIMS and ICS into all tabletops, drills, and 
actual emergencies. 
● All key school personnel involved in emergency activities have completed the required 
NIMS training, including the Introduction to the National Response Framework (IS-800), the 
Introduction to NIMS (IS-700), and the Introduction to ICS (ICS-100) courses. These free 
on-line courses may be accessed at
● The Massena Central School District has established a chain of command consistent with 
the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Incident Command System 
(ICS) that will be used in response to an emergency. In the event of an emergency, the 
Building-Level Safety Team may adopt NIMS/ICS principles based on the needs of the 
incident. Should the emergency involve multiple school districts, the BOCES 
Superintendent is to be the Chief Liaison to educational agencies within that district.
See Appendix: B

Managing the Media
● The Superintendent of Schools or his or her designee will serve as the Public Information Officer 
(PIO) for the district. Faculty and staff will refer all requests for information from the media to 
the PIO. In a multi-agency incident, unified command will often be used. Under unified 
command, the school district and the responding agencies’ PIO should work in partnership to 
ensure that the incident has a single voice. 
● Should it be necessary, the Massena High School auditorium or J.W. Leary Junior High cafeteria 
will be used to stage a media event. The media will be informed of the location in advance, and 
information will be disseminated only from this location. 
● The Public Information Officer will try to avoid refusing to cooperate with the media, but will be 
prepared to use his or her authority to ban them from campus if it becomes necessary. 
● The media may be used to help disseminate important information regarding community 
assistance and schedule changes for school days or functions. 
● The Public Information Officer will provide accurate, timely, and factual information. He or she 
will explain actions being taken by the school district, as well as the support being provided to 
staff and students – as needed. 
● The Public Information Officer may allow interview requests, as appropriate. 
Family Reunification Plans and Procedures
Following a school emergency, the following procedures will be observed to bring students 
and their families together. 
● One central location will be established where parents can sign-out their 
● children. If the emergency involves more than one school building, a sign-out station will be 
established in each building. 

● Efforts will be taken to ensure that all adults come to this central location and 
are not able to get directly to students without authorization. 
● Clerical staff manning the sign-out area will have access to student contact information. A 
computer station will be set up so that clerical staff can access the student information system. 
● When a parent or other adult presents him/herself to sign-out a child, clerical 
staff will ask for photo identification. Staff will confirm that the presenting adult is a parent 
or is listed as an emergency contact. 
● The adult will be asked to sign-out the student(s) by listing the child’s name, the adult’s name, 
the date and time, and then providing a signature. 
● Clerical staff will monitor the sign-out sheet to be sure it is done completely and legibly. 
● Once a student has been signed out, the clerical staff will call the classroom for the child’s 
release. If the student is being released from an alternate location (in the case, for example, of an 
evacuation), an adult runner will be sent to retrieve the student from his/her location and to 
escort the student to the authorized adult. When possible, the reunification area will not be 
visible from the parent/caregiver waiting area. 

Situational Responses 
The District Safety Committee has developed response plans for taking actions in an emergency 
during a wide array of situations. 
Specific response plans are included in Appendix: A with detailed building responses 
contained in Building-Level Safety Plans.