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Massena Central School District

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Budget & Taxes

School Budget Information 

About the Annual School Buget Vote 

In New York state, local school boards must annually develop a balanced school budget proposal and put it up for a public vote on the third Tuesday in May. This year, the vote will occur on Tuesday, May 21. District expenses may include salaries and benefits, curriculum, staff development, facilities maintenance and operation, transportation and debt service. Revenue includes state funding, federal funding, property taxes and appropriated fund balance.
Budget 2024-2025: $72,298,457
On May 21, 2024, Massena Central School District residents will vote on a $72,298,457 proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year. The budget carries a 3.5% increase in spending over the current year’s budget and will result in a 0% tax levy increase. 
Capital Reserve Fund 
Residents will vote on the creation of a vehicle capital reserve to be funded up to $5 million. This reserve fund will be used to purchase buses, other transportation vehicles such as vans or SUVs and other vehicles used by maintenance, IT and food services. There is no tax increase associated with the creation of the reserve fund. 
Board of Education Election 
Voters will elect two members to the Massena Board of Education during the May 21st Budget Vote with terms beginning July 1, 2024. The seats are currently held by Paul Haggett and Kevin Perretta. 
The district maintains a detailed, long range financial plan that spans five years. This plan projects the districts’ financial health and helps to fulfill other long range plans such as educational programs, curriculum initiatives and textbook purchasing

Where do your tax dollars go?

New Yorkers should know where their tax dollars are going. Open Book New York is part of State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli's effort to promote more openness in government and give taxpayers better access to the financial workings of government. Click here to find out where local school districts spend their money.