7000 Students
- 7000 Table of Contents
- 7110 Comprehensive Student Attendance
- 7120 Age of Entrance
- 7121 Diagnostic Screening of Students
- 7130 - Entitlement to Attend - Age and Residency
- 7131.1 - Admission of Foreign Exchange Students
- 7132 - Education of Students in Temporary Housing
- 7133 - Education of Students in Foster Care
- 7140 Involuntary Transfers-Alt School
- 7141 Transfer of Students St. Regis
- 7150 Remote Learning
- 7151 Educational Services for Married or Pregnant Students
- 7160 Postgraduates to Boces
- 7170 School Census
- 7210 Student Evaluation-Promotion-Placement
- 7210.1 Retention
- 7211 Interpreter Services
- 7220 Graduation Options-Early Graduation-Accelerated Programs
- 7221 Participation in Graduation Ceremonies and Activities
- 7222 Diploma or Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
- 7230 High School Credit for College Courses
- 7240 Student Records Access and Challenge
- 7241 Custodial and Non-Custodial Parents
- 7242 Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Education
- 7244 Student Directory Information
- 7250 Graduate Outcomes
- 7310 Student Code of Conduct and Discipline
- 7311 Loss or Destruction Property
- 7312 Dress Code
- 7313 Suspensions
- 7314 Detention
- 7315 Backpacks
- 7316 Student use of Personal Technology
- 7320 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Other Substances (Students)
- 7322 Use of Breathalyzers
- 7330 Searches and Interrogations
- 7340 Bus Rules and Regulations
- 7350 Corporal Punishment and Physical Restraint
- 7360 Weapons in School and the Gun-Free Schools Act
- 7370 Student Use of Computerized Information Resources
- 7410 Extracurricular Activities
- 7411 Student Expression
- 7420 Sports and the Athletic Program
- 7423 Student Athletic Elgibility Code
- 7430 Contests for Students, Student Awards, and Scholarships
- 7440 Student Voter Registration and Pre-Registration
- 7441 Musical Instruments
- 7450 Video and Tape Recordings of Conferences, Lessons and Meetings
- 7511 Immunization of Students
- 7512 Student Physicals
- 7513 Administration of Medical and Personal Care Items
- 7514 Health Records
- 7515 Student Welfare
- 7516 Toilet Training
- 7518 Head-Brain Injuries and Concussions
- 7520 Accidents
- 7521 Students with Life-Threatening Health Conditions
- 7522 Concussion Management
- 7530 Child Abuse and Maltreatment
- 7531 Sexual Harassment of Students
- 7540 Suicide
- 7550 Dignity for all Students
- 7551 Sexual Harassment of Students
- 7552 Student Gender Identity
- 7553 Hazing of Students
- 7560 Notification of Release of Sex Offenders
- 7580 Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Public Schools
- 7610 Special Education District Plan
- 7611 Children with Disabilities
- 7612 Grouping by Similarity of Needs
- 7613 Special Education Programs and Related Services
- 7614 Preschool Special Education Program
- 7615 Temporary Placement of Students with Disabilities
- 7616 Student Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- 7617 Interim Services to Students Awaiting Residential Placement
- 7618 Prereferral Intervention Strategies in General Education
- 7620 Students with Disabilities Participating in School District Programs
- 7630 Appointment and Training of CSE and CPSE Members
- 7640 Individual Ed Program
- 7641 Transition Services
- 7650 Identification and Register of Children with Disabilities
- 7652 Students Presume w Disability
- 7660 Parent Involvement
- 7670 Impartial Hearing (2)
- 7680 Independent Ed Evals
- 7690 Mediation
- 7710 Declassification of Students with Disabilities
- 7820 Safe Public School Choice Option to Students who are Victims
- 7910 Student Privacy